Booking Conditions
These booking conditions apply to all our holidays, except any events of not more than 24 hours duration and which do not include overnight accommodation.
Who we are
We are the Titus Trust (trading as LDN Holidays, Lymington Rushmore Holidays and Glod Holidays) (“We”, “Our”, “Us”). Our registered Address is 12 Lime Tree Mews, 2 Lime Walk, Oxford OX3 7DZ. We are a Registered Charity No: 1066751 and also a Limited Company No: 3473879 (England and Wales). When you book a holiday, you will be entering into a contract with us.
Your holiday contract
A contract will exist as soon as we receive payment of your deposit. These booking conditions set out the terms of the contract between us. When you make a booking, you guarantee that you have the authority to accept and do accept the terms of these booking conditions on behalf of your party. In these booking conditions “You” and “Your” includes the person making the booking and anyone travelling on the holiday, including children. You are responsible for ensuring that your child/children understands and adheres to these booking conditions, in particular the section headed “Your responsibility – Participation”.
As well as referring to “You” and “Yours” these booking conditions may also refer to anyone who has paid to come on the holiday and is not a leader or assistant leader as a “Member”.
The combination of travel services offered to you is a package within the meaning of the Package Travel and Linked Travel Arrangements Regulations 2018. Therefore, you will benefit from all EU rights applying to packages. We will be fully responsible for the proper performance of the package as a whole. Additionally, as required by law, company we have protection in place to refund your payments and, where transport is included in the package, to ensure your repatriation in the event that it becomes/they become insolvent. More information on key rights under the Package Travel and Linked Travel Arrangements Regulations 2018 here.
What does the price include?
The price includes full board and accommodation, activities, equipment and excursions unless otherwise stated. The holidays are based at independent schools and conference centres at various locations in England and Wales unless otherwise stated. Accommodation arrangements are in single sex bedrooms, generally sleeping between two and eight Members. We cannot provide single rooms. Different prices reflect the cost to us of hiring the site as well as the activities undertaken. We make reasonable efforts to ensure that all activities listed are available but cannot guarantee that Members will be able to take part in every activity on offer. In an effort to keep the cost of the holidays as affordable as possible many of our volunteer team leaders or assistant leaders also make a donation.
What about travel?
The cost of travel to the holiday venue is not included in the price unless indicated. Parents and guardians are responsible for travel arrangements to and from the holiday venue. There may be organised transport arranged for you by the leader of the holiday you have booked and an adult will escort these groups. Those who travel independently on public transport can be met at the coach or railway station nearest to the holiday venue, as stated in the holiday information.
Who is on the team?
All our holidays are run by experienced adult teams, some of whom are full-time Titus Trust workers, the majority are volunteers. There is a high ratio of our team to Members, normally 1:3. Training of the team is given prior to the holiday. All staff and volunteer leaders are rigorously checked in line with our safeguarding policy which complies with national standards. Details can be obtained from our head office. We bring our own experienced cooks on the majority of our holidays to provide healthy home-made food. Where this is not so, we engage a professional catering company.
What about safety?
We take the issue of safety very seriously. Many holiday activities carry an inherent risk. Risk assessments are completed for activities on our holidays and we ensure there is reasonable supervision according to the activity in question.
Leaving holiday site
Members are not allowed to leave the site unarranged or unaccompanied by a leader. Off-site activities will be supervised and arranged as appropriate. Reasonable measures will always be put in place for Members to contact holiday leaders should they be separated when off-site e.g. mobile phone number or an agreed meeting point.
Special needs/requests
We try to cater for all needs at our holidays. Whilst recognising that all children are special, some may have needs that require extra support. We endeavour to include such children on our holidays within the guidelines of suitable provision and staffing. To do this we require all parents to give us full details of their child’s special needs (i.e. disability/medical condition/medication) at the time of booking in order that we can meet those needs to the best of our ability. We must also be advised at the time of booking if a child currently has or has recently experienced any behavioural or social problems which may affect their own safety and / or the well-being of others on the holiday. If you do not comply with this clause we may refuse to allow you to come on the holiday and treat your booking as cancelled with our cancellation charges applying.
Please note whilst we do our best to ensure that any special requests or needs are met, we cannot guarantee that these will be fulfilled and any failure by us to do so is not a breach of contract. Special requests/needs will only be part of the contract if they are confirmed by us in writing as a guaranteed part of your holiday.
Paying for your holiday
When you book your holiday you must pay a deposit. The balance of your holiday price must be paid not later than the date specified on the booking form. If payment is not made by the due date, we shall be entitled to cancel your holiday booking and retain your deposit. Full payment should accompany bookings made after the balance due date. For those who would otherwise be unable to attend, bursaries may be available. These are limited, so please request on application. For further information and an application form please contact the holiday administrator.
If you cancel your holiday
You may cancel your holiday at any time. If you wish to do so, you must contact the holiday administrator in writing. Your deposit is non-refundable, but if you cancel more than six weeks before the holiday is due to commence we will refund any additional money you have paid towards your holiday price. If you cancel less than six weeks before the holiday is due to commence, you will be liable for the full price.
You can cancel your booking without paying cancellation charges if the performance of your holiday, or the carriage of passengers to your destination, is significantly affected by unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances. In such circumstances, we will arrange for your booking to be terminated and for you to receive a full refund.
You may transfer your booking to another person provided they fulfil the requirements for being accepted on one of our holidays and agree to be bound by these booking conditions. You must give us notice of your wish to transfer the booking in writing not less than 7 days before the holiday is due to commence. If you transfer your booking, you will have to pay an administration fee. There may also be other transfer costs involved and we will tell you at the time you request the transfer what such costs are. You agree that you and the person to whom your booking is transferred will be jointly liable to pay the administration fee and any other applicable costs.
If we cancel your holiday
We can cancel your holiday at any time. We will not cancel less than eight weeks before your holiday, except for where we have to cancel due to unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances, or if you do not pay the final balance, or because the minimum number of people required to run the holiday (which is at least 25 people) has not been reached. ‘Unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances’ means a situation beyond our control, the consequences of which could not have been avoided even if all reasonable measures had been taken.
If your holiday is cancelled you can choose whether to accept a refund of all monies paid to us or accept an alternative holiday of comparable standard from us if we are able to offer one (we will refund any price difference if the alternative is of a lower price).
If we cancel your holiday you may also be entitled to compensation.
Your Financial Protection
We provide financial protection for your holiday through our Financial Failure Insurance. This protects your money in the event of our insolvency. This scheme is explained in more detail below.

In accordance with the UK Package Travel & Linked Travel Regulations 2018 all passengers booking with The Titus Trust are fully protected for the initial deposit and subsequently the balance of all monies received by us, including repatriation costs and arrangements, arising from cancellation or curtailment of your travel arrangements due to the insolvency of The Titus Trust
There is no requirement for Financial Protection of day trips or single elements, and none is provided.
The Titus Trust has taken out an insurance provided by International Passenger Protection Ltd (IPP) with Liberty Mutual Insurance Europe SE (LMIE) trading as Liberty Specialty Markets, a member of the Liberty Mutual Insurance Group. LMIE’s registered office: 5-7 rue Leon Laval, L-3372, Leudelange, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, Registered Number B232280 (Registre de Commerce et des Sociétés). LMIE is a European public limited liability company and is supervised by the Commissariat aux Assurances and licensed by the Luxembourg Minister of Finance as an insurance and reinsurance company. This insurance is only valid for passengers who book and pay directly with/to The Titus Trust
In the event of our insolvency please make contact as soon as practically possible giving full details of what has happened quoting the name of your Travel Operator:
IPP Claims at Sedgwick
Telephone: +44 (0)345 266 1872
or online at
Our liability to you
We are responsible for the performance of your holiday contract. You must tell us without undue delay of any lack of conformity with the holiday contract. If any of the travel services included in your holiday are not performed in accordance with the contract, or are improperly performed, by us or the travel service suppliers, and this has affected the enjoyment of your travel arrangements, you may be entitled to an appropriate price reduction or compensation or both.
We will not be liable where any failure to perform or improper performance of the travel services is due to: you or another member of your party; or a third party unconnected with the provision of the travel services that form part of the contract and is unforeseeable or unavoidable; or unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances, which means a situation beyond our control, the consequences of which could not have been avoided even if all reasonable measures had been taken.
Except in cases involving death, injury or illness, our liability shall be limited to a maximum of three times the cost of your holiday contract. Our liability will also be limited in accordance with and/or in an identical manner to:
a) The contractual terms of the companies that provide the travel services that make up your holiday contract. These terms are incorporated into this booking; and
b) Any relevant international convention, for example the Montreal Convention in respect of travel by air, the Athens Convention in respect of travel by sea, the Berne Convention in respect of travel by rail and the Paris Convention in respect of the provision of accommodation, which limit the amount of and conditions under which compensation can be claimed for death, injury, delay to passengers and loss, damage and delay to luggage. We shall have the benefit of any limitation to, or the conditions under which compensation is to be paid under any relevant convention(s). We shall also have the benefit of any limitation periods applicable under any relevant convention(s).
You can ask us for copies of the travel service contractual terms, or any applicable international conventions.
We hold public liability insurance. You are not, however, insured against personal accident or injury as a result of an accident or loss of possessions. You may wish to take out your own insurance for cancellation, illness and loss or theft of belongings.
Priority Booking
Bookings are accepted on a first come first served basis, with a waiting list in operation for those who initially miss out. To avoid disruption to groups and activities, holiday administrators are not able to accept bookings for only part of a holiday. To ensure a balance of children from different schools the number of spaces per school, per holiday is limited. We work with teachers in certain independent schools and bookings may be restricted to young people from these schools.
Ethos / British Values
We have been running activity holidays for children from independent schools since 2000, to give them the opportunity to explore the Christian Faith. We accept the historic truths of the Christian faith and seek to follow Biblical principles in all that we do. The Christian focus of the Titus Trust is a key part of what makes the holidays so friendly and inclusive, where each individual is valued and cared for. We do all we can to uphold British Values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect for and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.
Your responsibility – Participation
We expect everyone who goes on the holiday to be fully involved in every aspect of the programme, including the informal teaching sessions and, as Assistant Leaders/Scampers doing daily duties, e.g. washing up on some holidays.
It is a condition of your booking that during the holiday you will co-operate with the leaders and any other person having authority and always follow their reasonable instructions, which will include attending the daily talks and bible studies. If you deliberately cause injury to another person or damage to property, or are wilfully disobedient at any time during the holiday, or if the leaders have any reason to believe that your continued presence is or may be incompatible with the running of the holiday or the wellbeing of any other person or persons present, the leaders may exercise such reasonable discipline as is considered by them to be appropriate, and/or may terminate your stay with immediate effect. In such an event your parent or guardian shall be informed and by accepting the terms of this holiday contract undertakes to collect you at their own expense forthwith or make such arrangements for collection as are necessary to remove you from the holiday site. If your holiday is curtailed under this clause, you will not be entitled to any refund or compensation.
Mobile phones
We understand that mobile phones are helpful for arranging safe travel and contact with parents. However, we do not generally encourage Members to use mobile phones on the holidays as experience has taught us that this can cause homesickness and inconvenience to the smooth running of the programme. You agree that our leaders have permission to ban their use and/or dictate at what times and in what locations they may be permitted. You agree always to follow our reasonable instructions regarding the use of mobile phones.
Your child may be photographed on the holiday! These photographs will only be used by us. If you do not wish your child to be photographed or for these photographs to be used, please tell the holiday administrator who will respect your wishes. We cannot take responsibility for any photographs/video clips that are put onto social networking sites by other guests on the holidays. We may use photographs / video clips to promote our holidays on such sites. Please contact us if this is of concern to you.
Data protection
We need to keep certain information on our employees, volunteers, supporters, service users and trustees to carry out our day to day operations, to meet our objectives and to comply with legal obligations. We are committed to ensuring any personal data will be dealt with in line with the General Data Protection Regulation and the Data Protection Act 2018. To comply with the law, personal information will be collected and used lawfully, stored safely and not unlawfully disclosed to any other person.
We will hold your details on file but will not release the information to any third party unless specifically required for safety or operational reasons. Some details will be shared with the leadership team and on some holidays the Members within in a room group may choose to exchange addresses enabling them to make contact outside the holiday. If you do not want this to happen please advise us when booking the holiday.
Any comments?
We welcome your comments in order to continue to improve our service to you. If there is a problem with the holiday please contact us immediately and we will do our utmost to find a satisfactory solution. We would also like to hear from you with your positive comments.
If you have a complaint and we cannot resolve it, you may be entitled to refer it to an Alternative Dispute Resolution provider. We will provide you with details of this if we cannot resolve a complaint to your satisfaction.
Law and Jurisdiction
This agreement shall be governed by the laws of England and Wales and the courts of England and Wales shall have exclusive jurisdiction to deal with any disputes arising out of it.
October 2023