

We really value the ongoing support of those who partner with us in prayer for the holidays and for the year round work of the Trust. If you would like to know more about receiving news and updates to help pray for a specific camp, or discover if there is a regional prayer meeting near you, then please contact us.


As a charity, the Titus Trust is able to continue its work sharing the gospel with pupils from independent schools largely due to the generosity of our supporters. The majority of donations come from individuals, many of whom have benefitted directly from our work, and we are enormously grateful for your continuing partnership in this way.

*Please note that CAF charge fees on a ‘per transaction basis’ for all donations made via the website.

Alternative Ways to Give

  • Standing Orders or Single BACS transfers – Online banking has made it easier to set up donations directly with your bank. This is a good way to give if you want to make sure we receive 100% of your donation and pay less in transaction charges. Please use the Titus Trust bank details below and fill out the form below or remember to send us an email with the details, so that we can identify your gift and claim gift aid where applicable.
    Account Name: The Titus Trust, Account Number: 71621318, Sort Code: 55-70-13
  • Cheque or Charity voucher – please make these out to ‘The Titus Trust’ and send them to the Oxford office.
  • Legacies – Please consider including a gift to the Titus Trust in your will. For more information about leaving a legacy please click here.

Tell us about your giving and/or Gift Aid on your donations

Fill out the form below to let us know about any new one-off or regular donations and/or whether we can claim Gift Aid on your giving.  Please note that if we have not previously claimed gift aid on your donations when we could have done so, we are able to claim Gift Aid retrospectively for up to 4 years. If we are no longer able to claim gift aid on your donations then do tick the box at the bottom of the form.

*starred fields are necessary for us to claim gift aid.

*starred fields are necessary for us to claim gift aid.